Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Travel Time

Wow. It’s already been a month since I posted “On A Dusty Road in Kansas”. Perhaps this is a great opportunity to tell you a thing about me and time. The best way to describe the relationship is that I think in centuries and it’s all a little wibbly wobbly.

Yes. I am that girl. The one who says “it wasn’t that long ago” and could mean anything from a few days to a few centuries ago (that really depends on the context of the conversation). The girl who argued with her adviser and a couple other professors that the “modern era” should really be considered from the fall of Rome forward. I refer to America as a young country and fully expect people to understand why. So you can understand my surprise when I looked at the calendar and realized it had been A WHOLE MONTH since I had posted my premier Sidetracked. It really seems like just last week.

Never fear though. I am working on another Sidetracked as you read this. I am switching countries and going back a few centuries which will hopefully be fun for all. I do not want to get stuck in a certain era or geographical area, so do not be surprised at all of my hop scotching through history.

Speaking of hop scotching, I plan on going all over the world and throughout time with this blog. If you have something you would like to see me write a Sidetracked about, let me know. If I can put a new spin on your favorite history moment, I certainly will. Just remember me and Time – we have that funny relationship. It might just be a little while before I get through then all.

Stay tuned for my next Sidetracked. It should be a “merrie olde” time in one of my favorite countries.


  1. Replies
    1. Hey Jess! What would you like to see from a Scotland Sidetracked? I'll have to look at some pivotal moments in Scotland's history to see what I could spin on it's tail. :D
